- Complete HULL and/or RUNNING GEAR survey (struts, fairwaters, rope guards, props, rudders, bearings, etc.)
- Non-destructive TESTING (NDT*) of nominated areas on the hull shell plating and other appendages (Ultra thickness measurement)
- CORROSION damage inspection
- CATHODIC protection potential surveys: anode inspection measurement
- MARINE GROWTH inspection (and removal)
- DEBRIS inspection (and removal)
- SCOUR and STABILITY inspections.
* NDT Also called Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) or Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI).
Biofouling (CRMS compliant) or damage assessment survey
RUDDER, stock and bearings Class Survey
- Check STOCK for cracks and connection to rudder for loose or missing bolts or nuts.
- Check UPPER SUPPORT HOUSING for obvious wear, loose or missing bolts/nuts, locking devices and any missing components or presence of debris.
- Check TOP PORTION of RUDDER for missing filling plugs, corrosion and damage.
- Check INSPECTION PLATES for security of all bolts or nuts, and that no gasket material is hanging loose or parts of gaskets missing.
- Check LOWER PORTION of RUDDER drain plugs, lower inspection plate(s), and lower bearing.
- Check the clear MOVEMENT of Rudder from side to side (with diver on propeller shaft) and position checked for alignement;
- Measure rudder tracking edge to prop boss when rudder hard to port hand hard to starboard.
Sacrificial ANODES Suvey
- Check and report percentage WASTE + degree and coverage of PITTING
- Check if securely attached (LUGS or BOLTS corrosion/damage)
- On site Digital Still PHOTOGRAPHY Report
- REPLACEMENT process.
- Check both for DAMAGE, LOCKING devices, and that no significant GAP exists in any JOINTS.
- Check each BLADE for CHIPPING, CRACKS, DISTORSION, 'polishing'.
- If variable PITCH, check each blade's securing flange, nuts and locking devices.
- Check that no DEBRIS, i.e. wire, rope, nylon, etc., has intruded on fittings and Clear
- Check each blade as it is 'feathered'.
- Check ROPE GUARD for security, fixtures and securing bolts and locking devices. Check that no line or wire rope has entered the gap between guard and propeller and Clear
- If 'A' brackets are fitted, check for damage and any cracks, particularly the welds or attachment devices to both hull and shaft housing.
- Check all bearings and shafts for OIL LEAKS.
TRANSDUCER Inspection for replacement